Quick Tips

1. NYX Jumbo Eyeshadow pencils are great bases. Bases are applied before eyeshadow to instensify the color.
2. Keep a daily brush cleanser on your counter for wiping off colors quickly.

3. If you like a liquid eyeliner brand but hate the brush it comes with, wipe your own brush on the eyeliner brush that came with the product and use it the same.

4. Mix eyeshadow with vaseline or lip gloss to customize your lip color.

5. Use cute mugs or cups filled with marbles or confetti to hold your brushes.

6. Smudge black eyeshadow on your water line with a small eyeliner brush for a smokier look.

7. If you have acne prone skin, don't rub your face in your towel. Pat it gently to reduce irratation.

Hope this was helpful! :-)